
The blog is back...from hospital

It's been a long time since the last post, due to some time off in hospital recovering from an appendicitis surgery (also known as appendicectomy). As a dedicated cinephile, I kept thinking about films set in hospitals while waiting away on my bed and also read the whole extent of 10 Bad Dates with De Niro, the list compilation to end all best-of lists. But going back to screen hospitals, I came up with two titles that I like most: Denys Arcand's The Barbarian Invasions (2003) and Almodovar's Talk To Her (2002). Both films construct their quirky narratives around hospitals and illness to create compelling stories about life's big themes: love, death, friendship etc. Here's a sample of both films. Come to think of it, 'films set in hospital' may well make a good list for the aforementioned book. We've got two contenders already...

The Barbarian Invasions

Talk To Her

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